Testimonials of Vedic meditators
“In my everyday life I feel like I actually have more time or more space. I’ve finally started to do things I’ve wanted to do for years.”
“I really loved the meditation course I did with Laura. And not only for the meditation, but also for the knowledge she shares. I feel like something is shifting in me. I’ve been trying to meditate for years & there’s so many apps now but this is something else. It’s like I have a little secret world. And yes, whilst I’m meditating, my thoughts are sometimes still crazy but I can handle it or they are just there & somehow it’s ok. And in my everyday life I feel like I actually have more time or more space. In the few weeks since I did the course & started doing Vedic mediation, I’ve finally started to do things I’ve wanted to do for years. It’s hard to describe. I don’t know if I’ve changed because I still feel a little koo koo, but I feel more connected maybe. Or I’m able to hear myself amongst the noise. I’m doing more of what I love. And I’m committed to this practice for my life.”
— Susie, Actress
“Two years later I’m still nightmare-free.”
“Time flies. The meditation you taught me and the ongoing community has been a strong and valuable part of my life for the last two years. You might recall that for the previous 20 years every dream I could remember was either violent or frightening or both and, by Day 3 of the Melbourne course, I hadn’t had one recently. Two years later I’m still nightmare-free. “
— Terry, ex-military
“I guess I can’t be a control freak in meditation like I am with everything else! Who knew?!”
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the course last weekend! I absolutely loved it and learnt soooo much! You are truly a blessing! I’ve easily incorporated my 2 meditations into my day and really look forward to them. I found my mind was dreadfully busy during the first several meditations since being back at home and I didn’t go very deep at all. I started getting annoyed with myself and then remembered you saying “you get what you need”. I think I just needed to sit still, to stop (not one of my strong points!) Then the sound of my mantra started getting longer, like it was calming/soothing/hushing me and today I had a much deeper experience. I guess I can’t be a control freak in meditation like I am with everything else! Who knew?! Anyway, I’m noticing some really positive changes both physically and mentally which is amazing.”
— Susie, retired
“I am less reactive and more present than I’ve ever been.”
“Oh wow! It has been revolutionary since I learned Vedic meditation from Laura. I would never ever think that this practice could make so much improvements in my life in such a short time, I feel a shift in myself already. Vedic meditation has been a game changer with the control of stress. I've become more concise, I am less reactive and more present than I’ve ever been. Thanks to Laura for teaching this amazing gift of meditation. Not only in meditation but her knowledge and experience in everything is amazing and such a pleasure to learn from her. Can't wait to see how I evolve with this practice!”
— Gulsah, Photographer
“It's been the eyes open experience that has been the most validating and enriching! A sense of underlying calm and trust that if you commit to connecting with yourself so deeply on a daily basis, that will come to underpin everything you do.”
“It feels hard to really communicate the impact Vedic meditation has had on me. I spoke about the restful nights of sleep I had over the weekend when you taught us, and that has endured, not perfectly but to the extent that I have felt a real and significant shift in my attitude towards, and approach to, sleeping and rest. I feel much less stressed about sleep going well, and in doing so it just...does. In different ways - sometimes long and deep, other times shorter but with vivid dreams that feel like just what my brain needed. On my dreams, I am so surprised at how they have become so lengthy and rich and unfold in a way that makes my realise that until now my brain has been doing its best to process what it means to be alive, but I really do have a sense that only now have my body and brain been able to find the stillness it needs to defragment, recalibrate and heal. Having now experienced enough meditations to know that they all shift, evolve and grow as the 20 minutes unfolds, I find myself not anxious or put off when I sit down and feel a little wobbly or wired, but approach it with a curiosity, knowing that I will feel markedly different by the end of the 20 minutes. What's so amazing is I have also found myself applying this learning to my everyday life, whether it be a difficult conversation, a tough flow on a yoga mat, or something I would ordinarily beat myself up for putting off. And so it's been the eyes open experience that has been the most validating and enriching! A sense of underlying calm and trust that if you commit to connecting with yourself so deeply on a daily basis, that will come to underpin everything you do, and this (at least for me!) has already delivered an incredible sense of confidence in whatever is unfolding. It's like you I have this base level of spiritual knowing that I feel has both always been there but never been seen.”
— Georgia Hill
“Been sleeping so bloody well every night, little things that used to get me flustered aren’t affecting me anymore.”
“Meditation is going great and I look forward to my sessions everyday. Some days I have been adding a third sesh just because I’m obsessed with the chilled clear headed feeling I get after! I’m managing to get down quite deep, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I’ve been meditating in my own little way for years, usually concentrating on my breath, sometimes with some Native American flutes in the background LOL. And I have definitely noticed changes and there have been shifts over the years in my personality and other aspects of my life for sure! But it’s nothing compared to the changes I’ve noticed since starting the Vedic meditation practice! Been sleeping so bloody well every night, little things that used to get me flustered aren’t affecting me anymore. I feel so much more calm and present and when my mind wanders off during open eyes time, I’m finding it easier to come back to the present moment instead of letting myself spiral. It’s honestly a game changer!”
— Vonnie, Hospitality
“I can now feel a lot of those niggles falling away and I can just focus on what I want to do and who I am.”
“After just 6 months of meditating, the person I am now finding is an amazing person, with so many extra levels I never knew I had! I always considered myself a happy and independent person but there were things that always niggled away at me and I just assumed that was the norm... I can now feel a lot of those niggles falling away and I can just focus on what I want to do and who I am – which makes me a better person but also more able to give to others as well. I was on that journey but meditation has certainly helped a great deal! It has also helped me to better understand what a particular moment needs. Not all moments are sunshine and rainbows… Being able to recognise that and how to deal with it all and not get worked up as much as I used to (as you say we are still human and things will still annoy us – but we can process it much better if we are grounded and solid in ourselves) is a huge change I have noticed.”
— Michael, Self-employed
“It made me get to know myself a lot better.”
“Vedic meditation has been absolutely life changing in the past 6 months. I’ve “only” been doing it for such a short time, but the shifts have been so profound but gentle at the same time. The most fascinating thing is that it’s not only this incredibly calming practice to make you go about your day a little easier, but also this tool to trigger so much progress in your personal growth in every way. It for sure makes blockages show up but it makes me see clearer and then be centred enough to deal with whatever comes up more relaxed and proactive so I can heal rather than repress. It made me get to know myself a lot better. This has been such an empowering journey already and I’m excited for what will be. Laura, I’m forever thankful for teaching me this sacred knowledge and for opening up all these possibilities for me.”
— Rosa, Student
“Thank you for giving me the tools to better approach my birth experience and motherhood.”
“I attended Laura’s meditation course in March and was pregnant with our daughter Charlotte (who is now 6 months old!) Thank you for giving me the tools to better approach my birth experience and motherhood. I was able to use elements of meditation in-between my contractions during labour, which I think really helped! I also meditated twice a day in the two months leading up to Charlotte’s arrival, even practicing on the morning of her arrival, before I realised I was in labour!”
— Anna, Mother
“Vedic meditation is a game changer with sleep deprivation. A 20min meditation did much more for us than a 20min nap.”
“The thing is, new parents don’t have time to sleep between feeds, there’s so much to do... so to get the mental equivalent of 3hrs sleep in 20mins is AMAZING! So glad we already had our practice as we knew how valuable it was, and now prioritise it up there alongside eating and showering!”
— Phoebe, Musician
“I think I've crossed over. I arrived at a party the other night and instead of racing in for a drink I sat in the car and meditated...”
— Anne, Business Owner
“Thank you for being you and creating such a beautiful community for us to all be a part of!”
“Deep gratitude for all your care and love over the last 12 months with Rishi and Siddha Trainings - I have loved every minute of it!”
— Skye, PR Marketing
“With new eyes I can now see how beautifully choreographed my life has been to bring me here.”
“Laura, my heart is full of love and gratitude for you. My life has flipped upside down. Nothing has changed, yet everything has changed. With new eyes I can now see how beautifully choreographed my life has been to bring me here. I'm bursting to learn more... or unlearn more! But I know there is no rush. I am here now. I will remain dedicated to my daily practice and look forward to staying engaged in your beautiful community. Infinite possibilities await...”
— Jess, Steiner Educator
“I've done guided meditation before, but it always seemed like a chore. This technique is simple and I genuinely look forward to it.”
“What to even say? I mean, really. The beginning of everything being different. Unfolding. Expansion. Lightness. So many things. I've done guided meditation before, but it always seemed like a chore. This technique is simple and I genuinely look forward to it. Outside of the practice, I've noticed a real sense of spaciousness. I feel less reactive, less bothered, and less inclined to hold onto things. I've previously spent a lot of effort noticing and addressing tension (and stress, overthinking tendencies... etc), but I'm finding the same shifts are occurring without the effort. There is still awareness and change, but it's coming from a place of ease.”
— Kristy, Artist
“I have had doctors and specialists try to tell me that I need anxiety medication for the past 10 years, when all I needed was a script for meditation.”
“When I started the course, I had basically lost my job, because I was “too emotional” and “too emphatic”. I was told I needed to care less about other people. I was back at uni trying to get a degree to change into a career where I don’t deal with people. Literally the day after I started the course, I felt like a whole weight had lifted off my shoulders. Everything has just been positively improving since then. I’m now able to deal with other people’s energies and bounce back. I don’t come home from work and cry every day. I’m able to give more to the people around me and I still have positive energy left for myself. I can not tell you how much you and the course have changed my life. I have had doctors and specialists try to tell me that I need anxiety medication for the past 10 years, when all I needed was a script for meditation. So thank you!!!! You’ve helped me in ways I can’t explain, and now I can pass on help to others.”
— Simone, Model
“It is so important to me and such a gift.”
“I am loving carving time out each day, twice a day, to commit to my meditation practice. It is so important to me and such a gift. I’m starting to drop the many career ideas that I have pigeon-holed myself to. I’m beginning to feel some clarity and am opening myself up to other possibilities. I’ve accepted that I’m not in control, especially when it comes to what other people do, so I feel I’m saving some energy there!”
— Shelley
“I have had periods of being centred like this before but not to this level, with this consistency.”
“I wanted to share with you that my practice of Vedic meditation at such an intense time in the world has undoubtedly helped me to navigate this massive upheaval with grace and even joy. Spontaneous singing happens often! I still deeply feel the sadness, trauma, injustices and sometimes helplessness, yet at the same time are so deeply and profoundly connected to love and source. I have had periods of being centred like this before but not to this level, with this consistency. I’m am feeling so solid, yet light. I am more present, have a deeper capacity for love, kindness and gratitude (for myself and others) and I 100% attribute this to my Vedic meditation practice. Thank you for teaching and following your very clear calling. I am so grateful for this practice. It is a key for coming home.”
— Laura, Naturopath
“The big surprise has been the out-of-meditation time. I’ve had ideas, opportunities and connections seemingly magically falling into my path!”
“It’s been 2 weeks now since I learnt but it seems much longer! Amazingly I already feel established in my twice daily practice and re-setting my morning rituals to ‘win the day’. I feel I’m a much more engaged person to be around. I look forward to each sitting with great curiosity, knowing and accepting each experience will be different. I still have many meditations where I get massively distracted and unsettled but you’ve taught me ‘there is no such thing as a bad meditation’ and every time-out is helping me better accept myself, embrace my imperfections and be kinder to others. The big surprise has been the out-of-meditation time. Concepts like transcending and manifesting were all very fuzzy and ‘out there’ for me, but by helping me observe my thoughts, trust my mantra for guidance and be open and curious to what comes, I’ve had ideas, opportunities and connections seemingly magically falling into my path!”
— Cameron, Property Investment
“I’m so grateful that I got to learn Vedic meditation from Laura who is a very wise and genuinely very good teacher.”
“Thank you for sharing this practice and your knowledge with us! When I used to think about meditation, I often had a pre-conceived thought about meditation being a 'type of religious practice' until I started the courses. Amazingly and surprisingly, Laura has made me change all my ‘thoughts’ about the whole thing. It's been a few weeks now and I already feel that I am way more calmer than before. I highly recommend Vedic meditation and Laura, you will be blown away by the results!”
— Elyas, Business Owner
“I feel a shift in myself already, a sense of calm, less reactive and way more present than I have been in years.”
“I’m so grateful I came across you, I feel a shift in myself already, a sense of calm, less reactive and way more present than I have been in years. So I cannot wait to see how I evolve with this journey! I have been doing my practice twice a day, the morning one I love and have found a great rhythm. I even find myself looking forward and eager to fall asleep to wake up and meditate! I truly thank you and the work you are doing changing and improving people’s lives with your amazing talent of effortlessly teaching this profound gift.”
— Angie, Business Owner
“Thank you for your constant support, words of wisdom, and absolute truth whenever I was feeling 'lost' along the way.”
“The Biggest Jai Guru Deva Gorgeous Laura! I just gave myself the biggest thank you hug after my meditation this morning! Ohhh how f***king amazing life has been in this 'short' 6 month period! I can’t even begin to comprehend what life was like before meditation, and more over what life was like before immersing myself into the ocean of Vedic knowledge through the Rishi Training. What an absolute blessing you and all of this has been to this life of mine. It’s actually unbelievable sometimes how in love with life I am. And to think it’s only the beginning of this new body life and way of perceiving the world, that I know now as 'normal'. Thank you for the knowledge that flows through you ever so graciously, thank you for flowing it into my awareness in such a way that has felt just like coming HOME. Thank you for your constant support, words of wisdom, and absolute truth whenever I was feeling 'lost' along the way. And thank you for creating this beautiful community of loving and caring souls. It’s a blessing to be a part of it all and to share this feeling of coming home with so many others. Here’s to many more bliss filled years with heart filled people and profound moments.”
— Vanessa, Architect
“I slip in and out of a state where I feel like I'm sinking into a big ocean and where I feel really vast.”
“I love my practice and it has been revolutionary really. I'm at the stage where meditation has become indispensable and just vital (very dramatic but true!!!) to my life. I can never go back. So the consistency thing is very easy. I like to meditate first thing in the morning in my bed and then I try my best to meditate at 6pm when I get home from uni. I unfortunately learned the hard way last month during one busy week and stopped scheduling in evening meditations. I really felt the difference in my state of being, the way I was connecting with others, my productivity and the way I related with myself. So now I'm really prioritising the 2 x meditations and adapting when I don't have time (like train and car meditations). Since 3 months meditating, in terms of ease, I have noticed it has been quicker for me to slip into a relaxed state at the start and I'm having less agitation. I don't think I'm actually having less agitation, but maybe, I'm just not caring anymore and letting go more easily. I've had some nice experiences too which i'll try to explain. I slip in and out of a state where I feel like I'm sinking into a big ocean and where I feel really vast. Sometimes my meditations feel like honey. If the flavour of honey could be a feeling, that's what I was experiencing. But on the whole I've been doing great! I love coming to group meditations and listening to some of the podcasts out there. I think the extra knowledge from you and others has really supported my practice. I'm never not inspired! Thank you so much.”
— Victoria, Uni Student
“Thank you Laura - you are one of the few genuinely good and original teachers out there. I appreciate most that you live what you teach, with no 'days off'.”
“I recognise if a teacher and their process is worth following and I would like to continue learning from you and go further along this process for a few years! Since starting Vedic meditation, I feel like I am a better teacher myself. In the time I have been meditating my class numbers have grown, as I am able to share an understanding with more people, with greater clarity and simplicity. Also their practices are developing in a more profound way. I am more patient with my students and friends and I'm able to help them in a more meaningful way, that is relevant for them (less about helping me through the act of helping them.) I am seeing my dogs more as the unique animals they are (their spirit/energy), less of habits that they have, or dog training techniques they have been taught etc. When we run together it is like meditation for all of us and they are becoming calmer with less anxiety. My physical practice is developing faster. I am better able to detach from thoughts and emotions and instead bring awareness to my body's movement. I am also faster at learning new movements, skills and routines. I am eating waaaaay less meat and sweet foods. Less food in general actually. Much less coffee from 2 a day to 1 every 3 days or so. Wow that's quite a bit of stuff!”
— Oscar, Movement Coach
“I like to think I am a pretty calm person but this is a deeper tranquility within that I have yet to experience during anything else or any other time.“
“I have noticed a sense of peace within myself. A stillness. I like to think I am a pretty calm person but this is a deeper tranquility within that I have yet to experience during anything else or any other time. Thank you again for sharing this amazing gift of meditation (I haven't missed a single session!) You’ve truly helped me move through some challenging times over the past 3 months.”
— Adi, Receptionist
“The Vedic technique has really felt like the missing piece of the puzzle for me.”
“I am so grateful for Laura and the wisdom she shares! I dabbled in and out of meditation for years before commencing her Vedic meditation course. I tried many different types of mediation and sometimes I stuck at it but mostly fell off the wagon. The Vedic technique has really felt like the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I can honestly say that it feels like I have now established a daily, life-long practice. The mantra calms my mind and body almost instantly. It deepens my practice and is a beautiful, soft anchoring point. It is so simple yet so powerful. I now feel like there is more space, awareness and flow in my life and there are more still, quiet moments when I am really present. I cannot recommend her course highly enough!”
— Mandy, Lawyer
“Laura is a genuine soul and breaks through all of those (new-age) notions, delivering a very down to earth approach to teaching this great technique for everyday people.”
“When you first hear about meditation, you often have a pre-conceived idea about it being 'hippy' or 'new age. Laura is a genuine soul and breaks through all of those notions, delivering a very down to earth approach to teaching this great technique for everyday people. When I first started learning the technique, each morning was quite chaotic. I had a lot of thoughts and couldn’t seem to ‘concentrate’. However, with Laura’s knowledge of Vedic meditation, she made me realise that this was a normal sign of stress leaving the body. I have incorporated it into my daily routine and each day I feel like I am becoming more concise in my thinking, have much more space between my thoughts so I can make the right decisions and overall feel a subtle sense of peace when the rest of the world is running at a crazy pace. I have to thank Laura for her unique talent to break down every step of the process so you feel motivated to meditate everyday. She has become a close friend and I highly recommend her to anyone looking at giving it a go!”
— Shaun, Consultant
“Laura’s light, genuine and positive attitude was contagious and made benefiting from Vedic Meditation feel really achievable.”
“I loved the course and learning meditation with Laura. Laura’s light, genuine and positive attitude was contagious and made benefiting from Vedic Meditation feel really achievable… even from the very first meditation. I came away feeling excited about my new daily practice and what it would mean for the future. I also felt a lovely support from Laura moving forward with my meditation journey.”
— Jess, Mother
“I’ve been a Vedic meditator for 3 years and can safely say it’s been the most profoundly revealing practice that has completely changed the way I deal with stress and challenges.”
OK so where do I start? I’ve been a Vedic meditator for 3 years and can safely say it’s been the most profoundly revealing practice that has completely changed the way I deal with stress and challenges, enabling me to meet demands with more clarity and energy. Laura teaches this technique in a relaxed and relatable way that ensures you leave equipped to be a fully self sufficient meditator. Laura’s depth of experience and knowledge of all things is amazing - I didn’t expect that from such a young woman! Having moved interstate to participate in her advanced knowledge courses and gone on two of her amazing retreats to India, its safe to say, she’s the best.
— Dan, Contractor
“In the months that followed Laura demonstrated a heartfelt commitment to my success as her student, which made all the difference.”
“Learning with Laura was life changing. Before we met I had attempted unsuccessfully to incorporate meditation into my life for years. But that changed when I found her. Studying with Laura was fun and immeasurably rewarding. Over the course of several sessions she imparted doses of her deep wisdom from the ancient Vedas on me. The classes were delivered in a way that was easily digestible and memorable. In the months that followed Laura demonstrated a heartfelt commitment to my success as her student, which made all the difference. Still to this day she remains dependably accessible, emotionally supportive, and generous with her insights and resources. Since setting up a personal meditation practice with Laura as my teacher I have noticeably witnessed greater clarity of mind, an increase in the quality of my relationships, and have been promoted at work - twice in one year. I highly recommend Laura and Vedic Meditation to anyone seeking to transform or improve their quality of life. If you have the chance to work with her, take it. You will be blown away by the results.”
— Brian, Entrepreneur
“I have better boundaries with people and with myself. I'm not as self-critical and I’m better at practicing self-love.”
“Thank you so much for introducing me to, and teaching me Vedic meditation. Meditating regularly has quite literally changed my life. Prior to learning to meditate, I was a highly anxious person; extremely tightly wound and often felt like there was no other way to exist in this crazy world. I did a lot of work on myself before undertaking my meditation course, I tried many different things to manage my anxiety; from exercise, to diet, to gratitude journals. However I really feel as though learning to meditate was the most transformative part of my journey. I realise now, that for most of my life I was making choices from a place of fear and doubt. Since meditating regularly I have noticed so many changes in myself that I'm so proud of!! I am sleeping MUCH better, and I have more energy. I rarely experience any physical symptoms like I used to (e.g. tummy aches, racing heart, head aches, racing mind). I have better boundaries with people and with myself. I'm not as self-critical and I’m better at practicing self-love. Most importantly I feel optimistic about life. I have a tool to manage daily stress, and anxiety doesn't seem to knock on my door quite as often as it used to. When it does, it passes quickly. I have more joy in life; and no longer feel trapped by fear. My thoughts are much more in the present moment and I am letting go of long-held negative beliefs about myself.”
— Gab
“In essence, I am finding my true self, sans all the bullshit and garbage that I've been assuming I must be.”
“Meditation has replaced all the food and booze and drugs and clothes and relationships and work that I used to use in order to mask emotional pain of inadequacy and self-consciousness that I was feeling. Letting go of those things is really hard when you feel like they're a part of who you essentially are. But Vedic Meditation and the community and support that it provides during the process of letting all these things go is invaluable - and a hell of a lot cheaper! And better for you… And less painful. So in effect, meditation has probably saved me a bunch of money, has taken me on a rollercoaster ride of experiences and has given me the ability to look back on those experiences with the clarity of knowing that they are just those - experiences - and that they are not me. I am something much bigger than those experiences and feelings… something much more graceful and grounded and humble and centered. It's also shown me that this life we're living is a long one, much longer than I may actually be able to imagine. In essence, I am finding my true self, sans all the bullshit and garbage that I've been assuming I must be. It's scary because I don't know who I am without it all. But meditation calms that anxiety and gives me the understanding that ‘not knowing’ is OK. Because essentially I am Being, I am the universe, I am everything… everyone and nothing at the same time. I am matter, a bunch of vibrations, and a bunch of cells. But that is just my body, which I am not either… As what I truly am, is pure Being. That thing that makes you who you are. That soul. That personality. That light. It's hard to remember that sometimes when you've been used to thinking that you're the shadow. The afterthought. The other. But you are it. We are it. I am it. So slowly but surely meditation and my commitment to improving myself through it, will get me there. To that feeling of not needing to be anywhere but where I am right now. “
— Courtney, Business Owner